AURAP er AU's business intelligence portal for økonomi- og uddannelsesområdet. Portalen indeholder både standardrapporter og specialiserede analyseværktøjer.
Brightspace er AU’s e-læringssystem. Brightspace er samlingspunkt for kursusmateriale og fungerer som forum for online læring og undervisningsaktiviteter.
AU anvender systemet IndFak2 til modtagelse af fakturaer. På AU foregår fakturamodtagelse, bogføring og betaling til leverandør fuldt elektronisk.
På kan du tilgå en række specifikke administrative systemer, du har rettigheder til, fx Medarbejderstamkortet.
mitHR er det personaleadministrative HR system ved AU, der bruges til personaleadministration, fraværsregistrering og medarbejderudviklingssamtaler (MUS).
PURE er AU's forskningsregistreringsystem. Her registreres forskningspublikationer, -aktiviteter og -projekter. PURE ligger desuden til grund for AU-ansattes personlige hjemmesider.
Aarhus Universitet anvender RejsUd til afregning af rejser og udgifter.
STADS er det studieadministrative system på AU. Via STADS administreres og formidles oplysninger om studerendes studieaktiviteter og -forløb.
Med webmail har du altid direkte adgang til din AU mail og kalender via en browser.
Workzone er AU's elektroniske sags- og dokumenthåndterings-system (ESDH). Som offentlig institution skal AU journalisere vigtige dokumenter.
Find flere it-systemer i emneindekset for medarbejderservice.
In AUs Green Guide, you can find inspiration on how you can contribute to a greener university.
Arts Communication offers support in connection with conferences with a minimum of 25 participants.
Contact: Gitte Grønning Munk
E-mail:, tlf.: 8715 3256
See what Arts Conference Support can assist you with here.
For conferences with less than 25 participants CAS secretariat can assist with the following tasks:
Welcome as a new employee at School of Culture and Society. We have prepared a small welcome brochure, which can give you answers to some of the many questions you might have as a new employee.
You are, of course, always welcome to contact the Secretariat if you have any further questions.
At the School of Culture and Society, PhD defences can take place in three formats
As part of the planning of the defence, the PhD programme director agrees on the format for the defence with the assessors and the PhD student.
Travel arrangements must be approved by the Head of School to ensure insurance coverage. Please send an E-mail to stating travel purpose, period and destination.
Work-related travels /stays lasting four weeks or more
As of 1 January 2024, a new EU regulation has been introduced, which means that employees travelling on long-term stays abroad for more 4 weeks must have an addendum issued to their employment contract. An addendum is to be issued for each stay. It is issued by HR.
At the School of Culture and Society, Camilla Dimke and Gitte Pappe Ludvigsen will ensure that the process is initiated when employees report their travels in connection with insurance coverage.
For trips of less than four weeks, the usual procedure is continued. Send an email to Camilla Dimke stating tating travel purpose, period and destination as early as possible for insurance purposes.
CAS has adopted the following general guidelines concerning the use of private providers of transport and accommodation when travelling (Airbnb, Gomore, Uber etc.). The guidelines apply to all employees:
Travel may not take place by car-pooling or private rental of cars found through online services such as GoMore or similar. The School does not consider personal safety or the safety of transport in these programs adequate. Expenses in this respect can therefore as a general rule, not be settled. Overnight stays in Denmark must be arranged in accordance with AU's hotel agreement and may not be arranged using private providers such as Airbnb or similar. For stays abroad, it is up to the employees to assess which type of accommodation they wish to arrange as long as it is within the framework and amount available in the Agreement on Official Travel.