The Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award is granted to Rubina Raja for her deep-founded humanities research, which crosses disciplinary boundaries.…
Anisa Bhutia is joining the Department of Anthropology at Aarhus University as a PostDoc affiliated with the AMR@LAB.
Rashmi Upadhyay is a postdoc at CAS from 1 October. She will be working with the project" Antimicrobial Resistance and Labour Migration across…
Sidsel Ninna Baker Overgaard is enrolled as a PhD student from 1 September. She will be working on a project bringing together different perspectives…
Anne Toft Ramsbøl is enrolled as a PhD student from 1 September and will be working on the project "Family life, autism and adolescence in the 21st…
Sigrid Wibe Nielsen is enrolled as a PhD student from 1 September and she will be working on the research project "Hunting Life: Explorations of…
Annalisa Bolin has joined CAS on 1 September and is affiliated the “Enduring Materialities of Colonialism” project.
Professor i antropologi Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing får titlen som æresdoktor 2022 og kan se frem til at blive hyldet under årsfesten d. 9. september
Phillip skal arbejde med projektet: “Reject degeneracy; Remember tradition!” A Study of Far-Right Digital Memory Practices".
Aarti will work on the project: “Plastics and Anthropocene: The Bads associated with the Goods we consume”
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