Commissioned research/study

Researchers may also be in contact with social actors, such as local authorities, interest groups, museums, etc., with the possibility of research or consultancy agreements (i.e. revenue-funded activities with agreements of a consultancy-like character, such as development, evaluation, competency development, etc.).

Finance and budget

It is common for this type of projects not to have a specific set of rules for types of expenses to be covered and which prices to be accepted. The finances of the individual projects are to be negotiated specifically. In the event of revenue-funded activities, i.e. consultancy-like work, legislation stipulates that universities must not underbid the market. This type of project doesn’t operate with overhead since indirect expenses are included in the “high” hourly wage rate. Thus, overhead isn’t charged from the project’s operating expenses; they are settled at cost.

CAS rates 2014


Revenue-funded activities:
Professor:                        DKK 1.450
Associate professor: DKK 1.150
Assistant professor/postdoc/research(PhD): DKK 950 
PhD/research assistant: DKK 800
Student: DKK 365




Professor:                             DKK 862
Associate professor: DKK 727
Assistant professor/postdoc/research assistant (PhD): DKK 656
PhD/research assistant: DKK 534
Student: DKK 312


REMEMBER that all applications/contracts/ co-operation agreements must be approved and/or signed by the head of department through contact to the research consultant.