EU projects

The major projects are FP7 (expires ultimo 2013), Horizon 2020 (2014-20), European Research Council (ERC), ICT etc.

Finance and budgets

The financing of EU projects are very diverse. Generally applicable to the major programmes are the 100% coverage of administrative management, some financing of research salaries, however offset by a large overhead percentage. There may be EU projects where the hourly rate for Denmark does not reflect their true cost, and here you, as a researcher, need to help co-finance by contributing your research time.

The Research Support Unit is ready to help you draw up budgets:

  • Jakob Feldtfos Christensen, 2037 4765, email:
  • Anne Marie Zwergius, 2845 5016, email:
  • Martin Serritslev Riis, 7846 1572, email:

You are also welcome to contact the research consultant if you have questions on co-financing from banks or the Dean's Office or if PhD students are involved in the project.

If overhead of 44% isn't possible, please contact the research consultant.


REMEMBER that all applications/contracts/ co-operation agreements for EU must be signed by the head of department (via contacting an authorized member of the research support unit). Please cc. and the research consultant.

CAS Research Consultant